The Term System Justification Refers To The Human Tendency To

In the language of the unified system justification is a broad concept that refers to both the systematic structure and the legitimizing function of verbal communication including writing.
The term system justification refers to the human tendency to. System justification theory sjt is a theory within social psychology that system justifying beliefs serve a psychologically palliative function. Thus to reduce prejudice interracial contact should ideallly be between persons of equal status. System justification theory legitimacy and ideology intro justice is a powerful human concern or motive but people can explain the way injustice and in the process even re victimise victims. A graphic showing the tasks on the work breakdown structure along with each tasks projected start and finish dates.
And yet system justification is a potentially strong motivator of human behavior because it addresses fundamental human needs to reduce uncertainty threat and social discord. Refers to the tendency to more easily recognize members of one s own race. Just as a relationship between people of an unequal status breeds attitutue consistent with their relationship so do relationships between those of equal status. A consequence of this tendency is that existing social economic and political arrangements tend to be preferred and alternatives to the status quo are disparaged.
The human tendency to approve the way things are equal status contact contact on an equal basis. A term that refers to the way in which features are added in an uncontrolled way to a project often without considering the impact on the budget or timeline. Also called the cross race effect and the own race bias. The tendency to reduce dissonance by finding reasons for why we have devoted time effort or money to something that has turned out to be unpleasant or disappointing.
The tendency to recall faces of one s own race more accurately than faces of other races. Rationalization of the status quo is often associated with short term palliative psychological benefits. Refers to the perceiver s judgment that a person s behavior corresponds to a particular trait. System justification theory according to system justification theory people are motivated to varying degrees depending upon situational and dispositional factors to defend bolster and justify.